

Our school will provide fully automated electronic library to the students. The students will be motivated to cultivate good reading habits and use library as a centre for learning. The students will also be encouraged to write on various topics of societal importance.

School Library is a part of our teaching and learning environment. It provide resources and services that support students, teachers and staff. Library is located at the first floor and is highly visible and easily accessible. It started functioning with the beginning of our school in 2017. It has been seating capacity of 42 and total area is 1200 Sq. ft. (as per CBSC norms). We have the subscription of 2 newspapers (one Hindi and one English), 6 Magazines, a collection of 2359 library books and non-book materials such as puzzles, mathematics cards, globe, maps etc. We have a separate section for digital wing and is on under progress.


We are following both register system and Brownie card system for check in and check out. Brownie card system can increase students' sense of responsibility in several ways.

Brownie card system: Using pockets for each borrowers instead of cards, it contains the borrower’s details such as Name, class, Library membership number, year etc. When a book is charged, the book card removed from the book pocket and placed in the borrower’s pocket.