About Us

Chairperson SMC Message




“Give a Man a Fish, and you feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man to Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime.” 

Chinese proverb.

We at R K Sarda Vidya Ashram, believe to empower younger generation with right kind of education to contribute in building of the ‘Nation’. Our children would be able to decide their own vocation and able to take right decision independently. 

We undertake a rigorous process in the selection of our faculty and other staff members and our teachers undergo training on new pedagogy and classroom administration so that they can impart good quality in the learning process. We facilitate best of the resources to our school. 

We try to meet the scholastic and co scholastic needs of every child by offering age appropriate and child-centric curriculum. 

We inculcate values such as being mindful, respectful and to display confidence in their interaction with diverse situations and also respect the tradition and family values. 

We also believe that to excel in all endeavours is the student's birth right. Growth, success and excellence are possible only with the guidance and mentoring of parents, teachers and peers. Schools are the medium, which create a conducive environment, so that future generations can be prepared to inherit the complex socio-economic legacy of this century. 

On behalf of our team, we promise to continue to guide our students with values, knowledge and confidence.