Best Academic school in Raipur Chhattisgarh


Classrooms across the school are designed


Our teachers are carefully selected from all over


Admissions are open from JKG to Class IXth


Affiliated to CBSE
Welcome To R K Sarda Vidya Ashram

Indian sages are accepted world over as a treasure trove of knowledge. They always promoted universal brotherhood and unconditional love.

This concept can only be lived when "I" consider myself to be just an insignificant atom in the larger material form. This understanding would make me recognize all as equals. Once "I" forget the fragmentation, my "I" becomes a part of the whole. This concept was simplified in our Vedas with a simple expression "aham brahasmi".

Knowledge of unity alone can dispel ignorance. An educational institution works to create a thinking and feeling temperament, which in turn allows us to seek union with the greater self, teaches us humility and respect which are the hall marks of an educated person.


The Prelude

R K Sarda Vidya Ashram is the Best Academic School in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, and is an educational initiative of ShriRamkishore SardaSeva Trust. The trust holds the firm belief that children are the true asset of any nation. We aim to nurture children as unique, thinking individuals by providing them with an opportunity to explore and experiment in a safe environment, allowing them to ask questions and seek answers and helping them to imbibe traditional values, good habits, and self-discipline. We focus on developing thinking skills and a research temperament, this will prepare them to face the rapid challenges of our times and be ready to embrace the changes with an open mind.

Our students will be rooted in reality but with wings to help them soar into the vast horizons as global citizens of the future. Our school is a coeducational day school, which will be Affiliated with C.B.S.E (Central Board of Secondary Education). It is spread over an area of 4.5 acres with eco-friendly surroundings. The school will encourage students to develop holistically by integrating sports, hobby activities, community service, special day celebrations, excursions, field trips, etc. This year, the school will run classes from JKG to Class VII. Adding one class every year, over a period of 5 years, we would become a full-fledged Senior Secondary school. Our School has good faculty, who will help students prepare for competitive exams .

Our Inspiration

Our Inspiration

Ram Kishore Sardaji was an industrialist, philanthropist and educational visionary, who firmly believed that a great school is one in which children come willingly because learning is a joyful and fun- filled process, which allows ...

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Chairman's Message

Chairman's Message

The idea of setting up R K Sarda Vidya Ashram came to my mind due to the values which I gained from my parents and through my interactions in society. This is the second school being set up under the aegis of Shri Ram kishore Sarda Seva Trust.

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Chairperson SMC Message

Chairperson SMC Message

We at R K Sarda Vidya Ashram, believe to empower younger generation with right kind of education to contribute in building of the 'Nation'. Our children would be able to decide their own vocation and able to take right decision independently.

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Principal's Message

Principal's Message

We at RKSVA believe that our children come with their own experiences and observe various things from nature and society. We focus on their experiences and facilitate learning based on experiential learning.

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Teacher Profile
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Admission Enquiry

Admission Enquiry Form Raipur Chhattisgarh
Parents/Sudent corner
Notice Board
News Letter